Links and References

Gun Safe Review Forums

The gun forums are an incredible resource of gun safe information.  Unfortunately most of it is unfocused and repetitive.  If you have the time and want to do some of your own research, they are a great resource.

Much of the gun safe review content on these gun forums can be attributed to the resident safe technicians who post there.  If you’re searching the forums, try searching the usernames below in addition to your search term.

These guys sell, service, and break into true safes and gun safes for a living.  They have put in many hundreds of hours over many years contributing their knowledge to the forums.  If you live near these safe dealers, pay them a visit and support these local American businesses.

The High Road Forum

The High Road Gun Forum is one of the largest sources of gun safe review posts.

AR-15 Forum

AR-15 Gun Forum has been becoming more and more popular.

  • User SNOPCZYNSKI Safe Tech at Northwest Safe Co. in Enumclaw, Washington (Seattle area).
  • User TheSafeGuy – AMSEC employee.

The Firing Line Forum

The Firing Line Gun Forum also has some good gun safe posts.

Gun Safe References

Here are some other references I’d like to give credit to.

6 mm Benchrest’s Gun Safe Buyer’s Guide – For many years this has been the most complete resource for gun safe information.  I don’t agree with all of its recommendations and it is getting a bit dated.  But, this page was part of the inspiration for What to Look for in a Gun Safe.  That project eventually got so large I had to split it into the different articles.

Chuck Hawk’s Things to Consider When Buying a Gun Safe – Gun writer/editor Chuck Hawks has been a great source of shooting information for me over the years.  This article is a guest post and not written by Chuck.  It’s a bit outdated and emphasizes dubious marketing features like large locking bolts, but makes some good points.

Safe Technicians and Sales

Below are some companies that sell new and used true safes.  Support your local American businesses!

A list of safe technicians can be found in the Safe & Vault Technicians Association (SAVTA) Directory.

Are there any great resources I’ve forgotten?  Leave a comment below, your thoughts are welcome.


  1. Drew P. Balls says

    Holy shit!! Very good website, thanks for educating the common man! Holy shit!! This is frigging amazing!! Holy shit!!
    HOLY SHIT!!!!!

  2. Harvey B says

    I spent $35,000 on a restored bank vault door with Frank Zykan and when I got it we could see the metal parts were unrestored to the point the front wheel fell off and the door was filled with car body filler before being painted. I have all the photos. He told me ‘bad luck’ and tried to blame anyone else, but the work was just done badly. it is now scrap metal.

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